Buy my Digital Gong Relaxation - Album
Buy my Digital Gong Relaxation - Album
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Buy my Album - with downloadable mp3-files
There are different options to buy my album:
Pysicall from me:
- If you see me, you can always buy a dowload-card direct from me. And in some cases a CD with my music.
- I have Swish & can send an invoice. Payment with CreditCard and Cash can work if I have it with me.
- Just make a Swish to +46 70 513 18 87. Price 240 SEK. (If you have an discound code, swish that amount.)
- After that, just send med a SMS, with your name, E-mail and if you have a discoundcode to the same number. Then I mail you a digital download-card as soon as possible.
On the web:
- You can also buy the Album at Bandcamp.They have PayPal & creditcard payment.
- Go to my album at Bandcamp.
- Click on "Buy Digital Album".
- State the amount and if you have a discount code.
- Please, fill in your e-mail address to get the latest news about upcomming music and events.
You could also donwload the Bandcamps app and stream the album. (For iPad/iPhone it's the easiest.)
Go back to music page and read more about the tracks. There is also instructions (in swedish, use Google-translate) about how to do if you get stuck.